Oh, fancy meeting you here!

So I managed to dig this lovable little blog out from the mass grave of hobbies I tried to pursue and failed miserably at completing; exhuming it unmercifully in order to serve my every whim in zombi-blogified undeath. Also in HD.

I kinda had an idea of what I would have liked to do with “Mirr[or] Image” (An awful name in retrospect) but it barely puttered on for a few weeks before I left t out in the back yard to forget about it.

So I decided I want to be a writer again, yeah? I figured to start out I should do some honest-to-Elune writing for once then, this post included.

This is somewhat new to me because I generally suffer from horrible writer’s block and plan lack of inspiration. Maybe I need to put more faith in myself.

So after I prune some stuff off of poor Mirr[or] Image, change the name to something less cumbersome, and get it up and running again, I’ll see if this long forgotten hobby goes anywhere.

(Many thanks to Anea and Keeva’s advice about blogging.)